Friday, January 28, 2011

What's Your Story?

Center for Digital Storytelling

Last week we talked about how the media uses visuals to send out a message about what they think is beautiful.

This week we are going to start our own media project to send out OUR message.

In class we will:
- Watch a few videos from the Story Center
- Start brainstorming our own story ideas and the message behind our stories

We may possibly have time to:
- Start storyboarding our videos
- Start searching for pictures for our videos
- Start recording our stories

Project Requirements
- Story must be about you or an experience you had.
  - You may work in pairs--and if you want you can combine your stories.
- Videos Must be 2 - 5 minutes long.
  - Pairs must have videos 5 - 7 minutes long.
- Story must have a message or a moral--it doesn't HAVE to be about beauty, it can be about anything you really care about.  Real beauty is only a suggestion.

NOTE: You do not have to use pictures of yourself if you don't want to.  Remember that we are going to post this online when we're done.  So do not put in any personal pictures you do not feel comfortable with people seeing!


Stock Images
- DeviantArt
- stock.xchng
- Google NOTE: You can google "free stock images" but if you take pictures from Google Images they MUST be High Quality or they will not look good!  Ask Sam for help if you don't understand!

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