Friday, January 21, 2011

Evolution of Beauty

Discussion Questions:

- How does digitalized beauty make you feel?
- What do you want to teach the next generation (your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren) about what it means to be beautiful?
- What changes (if any) would you like the media to make when it comes to their advertising?


  1. I think we women should present our natural beauty to be advertised to the public so the media can stop generalizing what women should look like and how we should be presented to the rest of the world.

  2. Venus;Ifeel so confident about my looks and my computer class.

    Daisey:my mom always said, kill them with kindness. but, the plastic surgeon convinced me its more affective if you look good doing it. shade!

  3. it w2as an interesting blog but oh so superficial. not reality at all..

  4. it was a great blog,! if you think of any blog for me, let me know! gayle

  5. on the discussion we had today in class. im very confirdent in way i look and need no in improvement

  6. we do believe in what we discussed today.
    this discussion about beauty is very interested.

    thank you Samantha.

  7. y have to aceptet myself whit my cualites and mi mistaques.
